Guest Lecture: Mr. Vikram Raghavan on India's Transformative Constitution: A Historical Perspective
Dear All,
We are delighted to inform you of the successful completion of our guest lecture event with Mr. Vikram Raghavan on the topic “Transformative Constitution: A Historical Perspective”, held on January 25, 2022 at 4:30 PM on Cisco WebEx.
The event saw a participation of over 80 attendees, ranging from law students to legal professionals. Over the course of the lecture, Mr. Raghavan discussed the context behind Granville Austin’s description of the Indian Constitution as a document of social revolution and the resultant popular understanding of the Indian Constitution as bearing a transformative character.
We extend our wholehearted gratitude to Mr. Raghavan for accepting our invitation and thank all the attendees for their enthusiastic participation throughout the lecture.
* Vikram Raghavan is a lead counsel at an international organisation. Beyond his professional commitments, Vikram remains deeply engaged in researching and writing about comparative constitutional law and history. Among other things, Vikram has created and contributes to Law and Other Things, a widely read blog devoted to Indian constitutional law. He is the author of a much-cited book, Communications Law in India (LexisNexis 2006) and co-edited Comparative Constitutionalism in South Asia (Oxford University Press 2013). Vikram is the co-editor of the late George Gadbois’s classic: Supreme Court of India: The Beginnings (Oxford 2017), which remained unpublished for five decades. Over the medium term, Vikram hopes to write a narrative historical account about India’s founding as a constitutional republic in 1950.
** Mr. Raghavan delivered this lecture in his private capacity. His remarks should not be attributed to any institution to which he may be professionally affiliated.