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State of Punjab v. Davinder Singh | Pratik Kumar

In State of Punjab v. Davinder Singh: A Step Towards the Transfiguration of Sub-Classification of Scheduled Castes, Pratik Kumar analyses Article 341 of the Constitution while also examining the historical viewpoint as a result of which scheduled castes have been viewed as a separate social and cultural group. The author proceeds to analyse the case of E.V. Chinnaiah v. State of A. P., where it was held that sub-classification of SCs by states is not permissible and would be unconstitutional. The author examines the case of E.V. Chinnaiah in contrast to the case of State of Punjab v. Davinder Singh, due to the latter overruling the former, while trying to discern whether a blanket ban on sub-classification of SCs as held in Chinnaiah is proper. The case comment concludes that the earlier approach as laid down in Chinnaiah was narrow and dogmatic, and commends the deviation brought forth by Davinder Singh.

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